Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Responce to Tans Essay

In the essay I read the author is Amy Tan. To me I think the audience is to a lot of different peole. A few different groups I would think stand out the most would be students from this day in age, foriegners, and multi-lingual speakers. I choose these three different groups imparticular, because they relate the most to what she says. I would say her purpose to writting the essay is to inform a variety of people that to make another person (no matter what genre) understand you, just be precise in what you are trying to say and speak with etiquite. People generally are never taught slang in school, at least not by their teachers. So to make a large amount of people understand you, go with you know, and were taught. Like my basketball coaches say, "Don't do it your way, because your shit doesnt work." I guess you can take that saying into almost anything in life. So my advice to everyone is to stick with what you know!

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