Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Visually Enhanced

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This picture is the prefect visual to describe outscourcing. The first thing we see is how the bigger man is holding office supplies which obvioualy means he is taking the smaller men's work away from them. We see how the man with all the office supplies is much larger than the rest of the men; this could represent outscourcing as a real problem for Americans. It also shows how the smaller men are in a state of panic using a string to try and hold back the bigger man form crossing the ocean. The picture makes this situation out to be pretty much hopeless and out of the smaller mens control; the bigger man will obviously make it across the ocean no matter how hard they pull.

1 comment:

Justin said...

I like the description of the picture, I think you summed it up really well. I don't know if it is a big problem for Americans yet but outsourcing is defiantly taking a lot of jobs that we could use here in the United States.