Now that the semester is close to over, my opinion on blogging has changed quite a bit. In the begining I had no idea what blogging even was. So on my first "Why we blog, How we blog", it is obvious that I didnt quite understand what I was writing about. Blogging can be a great way to outsource your idea's. It can become an activity for someone to vent and get out all of their ideas and feelings without talking someones ear off. You can get things off of your chest, easier and much faster. And the best part is if someone really does care what your talking about, they'll read it! Instead of sitting with you at lunch bobbing their head with boardum thinking your a head ache and a half, and wishing you would just stop talking!
Even though the purpose of blogging for this class was'nt to vent, or get things off of our chest's, but that it was for Homework. I would occasionally look around at other people pages, and see what people outside of the class room talked about. There was one guys page who was talking about a concert he had gotten feedback from, and said who performed well and who didn't. He was basically having a clown fest on his page. The things he was saying cracked me up, and it opened my eyes to what potential blogging has.
A few ways I feel that could enhance the English 105-25 blogging expierience, would be to not have so many blog entrys in one week. Sometimes they can amount to a blog a night, and I personally feel like that can become quite tedious, and wear some students out. I agree with what Brittany said in the beginning of class, to be able to read and talk about it the next day. That brings 2 different expieriences to the students. I know that most of the time we do both, but sometimes one or the other would be nice.
Would I ever consider making a blogging page for personal use? I would have to give it a big maybe. I could see myself making an anoymous user name when i'm about 40 or so, and am super annoyed with my co- workers. On another note, I hate when people always say do what you love when you get a job. Because your gonna be doin it the rest of your life. But to me it's almost like even if your doing what you love, theres still going to be a time when there is something or someone you dont like. Your co-workers, employees, pencil sharpener... who knows! But there will most likely always be somethings annoying. Unless your super optomistic and nothing ever bother's you. I guess for Nick it would be the projector screen,or his computer. HAHAHA! Too funny, good times, ey nick!?

Ok back on topic, Blogging to me is great. I really enjoy it, and I like the idea of it. I am Pro on blogs, but not pro on blogging homework. Going back to talking about what we read in the class the cool thing about it, is that sometimes, maybe under the teachers descression we can have a debate over the topic. Or do a fun activity in the classroom. That would both motivate the students to read and at the same time, help them to better understand and enjoy the topic. Just an idea!